Episode 26: Anger is a Gift (feat. Mark Oshiro)

This week we share our guilty pleasures, drag faux patriotism, and consider Sabrina the Teenage Bruja. Oh, yeah, and we interview Mark Oshiro of house Overwatch, first of his name, author of books, doer of stuff, petter of dogs, enthusiast of SVU.


Pre-order: https://www.amazon.com/Anger-Gift-Mark-Oshiro/dp/1250167027/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1506400624&sr=1-1&keywords=anger+is+a+gift



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Email: podcastofcolor@gmail.com

Website: podcastofcolor.com             

Twitter: trashofcolor

All other social media: @Podcastofcolor

And if you want to hear more from our music wizard, check out the following:

Website: fearnotthemoment.com

Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/fntm-official