Episode 21: Them, Their, They Did That! (Feat. Madin Slay Lopez)

Despite all odds, the trashbags are back and we brought a friend with us, non-binary activist, and MTV’s Transformation star, Madin Slay Lopez. Join us as we discuss false allies, cancellation culture, Daenerys’ winter wardrobe, and shipping incest in Game of Thrones, before interviewing Madin on all things them.


If you’d like to honey roast someone, have any topics you’d like us to cover, any constructive criticism, or any general inquires feel free to contact us at any of the following:

Email: podcastofcolor@gmail.com

Website: podcastofcolor.com             

Twitter: trashofcolor

All other social media: @Podcastofcolor

And if you want to hear more from our music wizard, check out the following:

Website: fearnotthemoment.com

Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/fntm-official